Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Mexico wins the War!! The surrender papers have been formed. What is the Mexican national anthem?

Do we have to sing the Anthem in Spanish?

What does a peso look like? whats it worth?

Burritos go right through me. Will I have to eat them?

Will I get seista time off at work?

Will the National flower be a cactus?

This is going to be hard to adjust to.

Will we get classes on this stuff?

Mexico wins the War!! The surrender papers have been formed. What is the Mexican national anthem?

Since you asked. As long as it's a polka,cumbia,ranchera you'll have variety to choose from.

Peso? Good question but soon they'll be recyclable. No idea what it looks like but it's basically a waste just like food here in the US. Burritos? YOU MUST INCLUDE 'WHITE' CHEESE to be balanced in the rear throat. Siestas,

(You misspelled hermana!) But most definitely you WILL BE THE EXCEPTION if your pic is updated!

Flag? Tight die will be allowed but no rebel yellers...

Flower? Opiates,weed(pot) or tabacky or your favorite snuff!
Reply:yes to all youre questions !!!

Reply:Robert Pastor, a leading intellectual force in the move to create an EU-style North American Community, told WND he believes a new 9/11 crisis could be the catalyst to merge the U.S., Mexico and Canada.

Pastor, a professor at American University, says that in such a case the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, or SPP – launched in 2005 by the heads of the three countries at a summit in Waco, Texas – could be developed into a continental union, complete with a new currency, the amero, that would replace the U.S. dollar just as the euro has replaced the national currencies of Europe.

see link for more - http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/articl...
Reply:Think we'll get free Spanish lessons.... Whew now we don't have to listen to that ... Push one for English message.....
Reply:Lyrics by Francisco González Bocanegra and music by Jaime Nunó.

It was declared the National Anthem on February 9,1854, after a national contest was launched to find an anthem for our country. It was first performed on September 15, 1854, for the Fiestas Patrias, or Independence Fiesta.

Mexicanos, al grito de guerra

El acero aprestad y el bridón;

y retiemble en sus centros la tierra

Al sonoro rugir del ca?ón.

Mexicans, at the cry of war,

prepare the steel and the steed,

and may the earth shake at its core

to the resounding roar of the cannon.

Ci?a oh patria!

tus sienes

de oliva

De la Paz el arcángel divino,

Que en el cielo tu eterno destino

Por el dedo de Dios se escribió.

Gird, oh country, your brow with olive

the divine archangel of peace,

for your eternal destiny was written

in the heavens by the hand of God.

Más si osare un extra?o enemigo

Profanar con su planta tu suelo,

Piensa, oh patria querida ,que el cielo

Un soldado en cada hijo te dio.

But if some strange enemy should dare

to profane your ground with his step,

think, oh beloved country, that heaven

has given you a soldier in every son.

Guerra, guerra sin tregua al que intente

De la patria manchar los blasones!

Guerra, guerra! Los patrios pendones

En las olas de sangre empapad.

Guerra, guerra! En el monte, en el valle

Los ca?ones horrísonos truenen

Y los ecos sonoros resuenen

Con las voces de



War, war without truce to any who dare

to tarnish the country's coat-of-arms!

War, war! Take the national pennants

and soak them in waves of blood.

War, war! In the mountain, in the valley,

the cannons thunder in horrid unison

and the resonant echoes

cry out Union,


Antes, patria, que inermes tus hijos

Bajo el yugo su cuello dobleguen,

Tus campi?as con sangre se rieguen,

Sobre sangre se estampe su pie.

Y tus templos, palacios y torres

Se derrumben con hórrido estruendo,

Y sus ruinas existan diciendo:

De mil héroes

la patria aquí fue.


Patria! patria!

Tus hijos te juran

Exhalar en tus aras su aliento,

Si el clarín con su bélico acento

Los convoca a lidiar con valor.

Para ti las guirnaldas de oliva!

Un recuerdo para ellos de gloria!

Un laurel para ti de victoria!

Un sepulcro para ellos de honor!

Oh country, 'ere your children

defenseless bend their neck to the yoke,

May your fields be watered with blood,

may they trod upon blood.

And may your temples, palaces and towers

collapse with horrid clamor,

and their ruins live on to say:

This land belonged to a thousand heroes.

Oh, country, country, your children swear

to breathe their last in your honor,

if the trumpet with warlike accent

should call them to fight with courage.

For you the olive branches!

A reminder for them of glory!

A laurel of victory for you!

For them a tomb with honor!

Mexicanos, al grito de guerra

El acero aprestad y el bridón;

y retiemble en sus centros la tierra

Al sonoro rugir del ca?ón.

Mexicans, at the cry of war,

prepare the steel and the steed,

and may the earth shake at its core

to the resounding roar of the cannon.
Reply:Your national anthem sounds like the Ringling theme song.
Reply:Not all the illegals are Mexican! Half of them are Asians and more from other countries. This is why people hate America because they think we are all ignorant idiots like you!

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