Tuesday, February 14, 2012

How do I get a plaque for a WW2 Vet?

My dad fought in WW2 and passed away a few years ago. We were told he wasn't able to get a monoment because he already has a tombstone. I didn't question it till I went to visit his grave on Memorial Day and all the war veterans had flags on thier graves provided by the cemetary to honor the vets. He didn't have a flag because he didn't have a memorial plaque. I felt just horrible for him. My father was so proud to serve in the war and yet he wasnt reconized because there was nothing to let anyone know he was a vet. There were flags on more than 100 graves and my father had nothing. I left him flowers but he deserves to be reconized, he was so proud of his military days. Any help to get him a military plaque for his tombstone (what do I need..I have his dischage papers and everything) It is horrible that he fought for us and no one cares. He was a proud man and deserves some honor. Please help.

How do I get a plaque for a WW2 Vet?
Call your local "service officer" and they will help you to apply for a military marker for your father. I had to do the same thing in 2003 for my dad.

Application for a marker or headstone, under the above conditions, must be made using the VA 40-1330 form, which must be filed out in its entirety. This form is available at any VA regional office, on the U.S. Veteran Information (non-governmental) website, or by calling 800-697-6947. When filled out, the 40-1330 form must be forwarded to:


Memorial Programs Service (403A)

Department of Veterans Affairs

810 Vermont Ave. N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20420
Reply:this place can make you one..

Reply:Go to any major funeral director and they will be able to tell the office and tele # re. how to get both the big Flag and plaque your Dad is entitled to....I think the government office is in St. Louis...The government is real good about doing this...You may need some sort of soldiers ID number--like a DD1# or something...
Reply:Apply to his service, or through your Congressman.
Reply:Try your local Veterens chapter, or write a letter to the Army (or branch he served in) or Ebay sometimes has some authentic stuff.

Good luck and thank you to your dad and his family for his service.
Reply:You can also to the Veteran's office with his papers. They can help you. If you don't have a Veteran's Affairs office close, you can also go to an active duty base for any service, and their Personnel office should be able to help you.

get well flower

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