Thursday, February 2, 2012

Is this a good name for my dog?

Kohana... it's japanese for "little flower". Is it prety? She is a retriver and lab mix. She is kinda fluffy and golden. She looks exactlly like the puppy on the toliet paper commericals... cottonelle I think it is. Also if you have any sugestions plz tell me... but make it original! Thanks!!!!

Is this a good name for my dog?
Sounds good to me.

I had a Boxer named Koa,.. some type of tree in Hawaiian.
Reply:i think you should name your dog fluffy then
Reply:sounds good to me but do one thing for your self first granted i dont know how to pronounce it but yell it out loud 3 times with git your bootie moving. if it dont sound rite or it sounds perveted dont go for it. cuz really ya gonna be yellin at the dog at some point in its life. best of luck
Reply:Love it!,,,
Reply:Yes, good name. I always think a hard sound at the beginning of the name is easier for them to hear. Easy name to call, too.
Reply:i love that name. i think you should have a name for it that no one has. like my dog's name is LINT. like the stuff that you find in your dryer or in your sweater or jeans.
Reply:I love it.
Reply:I think it's a real cute name. And i love the meaning behind it. You should definately name it that.

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