Thursday, February 2, 2012

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ok there is alot of stuff i wanted to buy and i want to buy it at the cheapest price. ive listed some items and i wanna no if they are avaiable at walmart. please say yes or no to all of the products listed.


2.craft glue

3. styrofoam balls

4. beads

5. elastic

6/ 20 guage craft wire

7. marbles

8. vase

9. real/fake flowers

10/ small jingle bells

11. clear contact paper

12. double stick tape

13. cord strap

14. round cork trivet

15. pipe cleaners.

and if some of the items areent available tell me where i can get them cheap. also any coupons? thanks

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You'll get more answers if you put a little bit of your subject in the title so people know what it's about. Something like "Does Wal Mart have these craft items?"

Reply:I'm not sure where you live but Micheal's craft store has everything on ur list...its the cheapest place i can ever find things i need
Reply:i think u can get all of it at walmart. not sure what number 1 is though..most of its probably in the craft section or office aisle.

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