Thursday, February 2, 2012

Sprouting beans?

My son said he saw on PBS where you take a bean a paper plate and a ziploc bag and it flowers? Any one have a clue how to do this?

Sprouting beans?
We've done different seeds at a one time. Soak beans overnight in water w/ a little bit of bleach. Then, put a wet paper towel (I assume what he saw used a paper plate) in a zipper bag, and then place the seeds (about four, depending on size) in the bag. Hang it up in a window, and watch it go.

For even more fun and experimentation, you can do a second bag just the same, and place it in a dark spot (I tape ours inside a closet door). Then you can compare not only the types of seeds, and how fast they germinate, but how well they grow (or don't) in light versus dark.

Which show did he see that on? You most likely can find it at the show's site at

Here's a plant biome actitivity from Zoom:
Reply:It's incredibly simple, although I've never heard of using a paper plate. Take any bean (yes, even a kidney bean from a bag from the store) and place on a wet paper towel (not soaking wet, but moist). Place both in the zipper bag and place in a "sunny" spot. In about a week, you should begin seeing results.

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