Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A truely heart-touching poem..?

I had to poop. Poop real bad.

Had to so much, it made me sad.

Once I tried to hold it in.

Then I couldn't count my chins.

Soon I just, had to go.

Had to go I let it flow.

Gushing, Gushing, everywhere.

Coming out my underwear.

Smushing, rolling, when I sat.

Tried to stand "I can't do that!"

Cause the juicy mess was there.

Clear for everyone to stare.

Tried to wipe myself with paper.

Told my friend I'd meet her later.

Except I'd found out when I'd completed.

A new pair of jeans, that's what I needed.

Went home so I could give me a shower.

It sure didn't smell like a flower.

And as the brown went down the drain.

I said "Goodbye, see you again."

What a chance to reunite!

Myself with the smell of delight!

It was one day when I was driving,

**The part that is supposed to go here will be widely unaccepted**

I know this really may sound gross.

Too much to hear while eating toast.

You may not think it's funny or right.

But it's the true story of the smell of delight!

A truely heart-touching poem..?
That's what would happen in your Amusmant park that you never let people out of. Let me guess, there would be a toast food shop.
Reply:written by someone who ate taco bell

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